1-mayo-2024 | 2024, SJR (Q2)
López-Belmonte, J., Dúo-Terrón, P., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., & Marín-Marín, J.-A. (2024). Efectos de la realidad aumentada y virtual en estudiantes con TEA (Effects of augmented and virtual reality on students with ASD). Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y...
14-abril-2024 | 2024, JCR (Q2), SJR (Q1)
Marín-Marín, J.-A., García-Tudela, P. A., & Duo-Terrón, P. (2024). Computational thinking and programming with Arduino in education: A systematic review for secondary education. Heliyon, 10(8), e29177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29177...